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If you haven't created a configuration file yet, let's create one now. This is the file we imported when creating the editor page in the previous step. This file should export an object containing the configuration values defined below.

Configuration values

provider string

The content source for your website, right now there are two options available: hygraph or contentful

projectId string

The project ID that you created after creating an account. You can get this project ID from the web dashboard.

basePath string

The folder you want the visual editor to be under on your website. Default: /compoz

locales array

An array of locales that are available in your project. These should match the options in your headless CMS.

defaultLocale string

The default locale of your project. This should match the default locale in your headless CMS.

contentTypes object

An object containing the content models you want to enable visual editing on. Each key should be a content model and generally follow what end up being pages on your website, like pages or blogs.

  • id string

    • The content model ID, this should match the ID in your headless CMS
  • topLevelFields array

    • Fields that aren't visually displayed on the page but should still be editable.
  • visualFields array

    • Sections of your page that should be visually editable.
  • newEntryFields array

    • Fields to display when creating new entries. Required fields are automatically populated.
  • Component react component

    • React component that displays the page within the visual editor.
  • transform function

    • Optional function to transform data from the headless CMS.

linkInstead array

Content models to "link" instead of trying to create when using presets. For example - If you're adding a link that connects to an entry in your CMS, you don't want to create that page, this will "link" it instead.


In this example, EditorPage is what we created here.

import EditorPage from "./editor-page";

export default {
provider: "hygraph",
locales: ["en", "de", "fr"],
defaultLocale: "en",
contentTypes: {
Page: {
id: "Page",
topLevelFields: ["internalTitle"],
visualFields: ["hero", "sections"],
newEntryFields: ["title"],
Component: EditorPage,
transform: transformPage,
linkInstead: ["page"],
basePath: "/compoz",

TypeScript Example

import { EditorConfig } from "@gateway-web/editor";

import EditorPage from "./editor-page";

const config:EditorConfig = {

export default config;