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Some configuration is handled through the dashboard. This includes the content source, the preview endpoint, and tokens for your headless CMS.

Create a project

The first step is to create a project in the dashboard. Each project connects to one website.

After creating a project, navigate to the project page in the dashboard. On the project page, you should see the project id which you can copy and paste into your configuration file for projectId.

CMS Configuration

Content Endpoint

A content endpoint is required for the visual editor to work correctly.

Preview endpoint

The content endpoint can be your existing preview endpoint.

Not sure if you have a preview endpoint? If you are able to preview changes from your CMS before they are published, chances are you have one!

Still not sure? Feel free to reach out to us! We are here to help.

The editor will make a GET request to this endpoint to retrieve content from your CMS. You can provide either a relative or absolute URL for the endpoint.

Passing the entry ID

The editor will replace [id] with the entry ID in the request URL and your content endpoint must return the relevant content. This allows you to configure your endpoint however you want to for maximum flexibility.


The editor will also append 2 query parameters to the request: locale and defaultLocale. It's expected to return the correct locale depending on these query parameters.

Content Endpoint Example

Absolute URL[id]

The editor would take this and transform it to something like this:

Relative URL


The editor would take this and transform it to something like this:



  • Project ID: Your HyGraph Project ID. This can be found inside the HyGraph application under "Project Settings"
  • Endpoint: Your HyGraph content delivery endpoint. This can be found inside the HyGraph application under "Project Settings > Access > API Access".
  • Content token: A permanent auth token that includes read, create, update, delete, publish and unpublish for all models on all stages and locales. It also requires management API access to read the content model.


  • Project ID: Your Contentful Space ID. This can be found inside the Contentful application under "Space Settings"
  • Content Token: API Token created under "Settings > API Keys" that allows the editor to access Contentful's content APIs.
  • Management Token: Management token created under "Settings > CMA tokens" that allows us to access the content model through the API.

Project members

You can also start adding your team by entering their email address and assigning them a role.


  • Editor: Access to the visual editor and can save content directly to the CMS.
  • Player: Access to the visual editor but can not save directly to the CMS.